Wholesaler in Shikoku area
Looking for nearest suppliers? Here you will find a list and maps of ready-mix plants, wholesalers, precast plants and other plants by region.
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Wholesaler in Shikoku area
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List : Wholesaler in Shikoku area
Kagawa area
Hikari Shoji | Tel : +81-87-881-2126, Fax : +81-87-881-2128 |
Tokushima area
Nangoku Shoji | Tel : +81-88-657-5500, Fax : +81-88-657-5560 |
Nihonkikai Kensetsu | Tel : +81-88-664-2350, Fax : +81-88-664-0166 |
Hara Kenzaiten | Tel : +81-884-22-1212, Fax : +81-884-23-1253 |
Fuji Slate | Tel : +81-88-697-0247, Fax : +81-88-697-0253 |
Kochi area
Ishiguro | Tel : +81-88-822-2444, Fax : +81-88-822-2455 |
Kochi Aso | Tel : +81-88-831-1105, Fax : +81-88-832-1103 |
Ehime area
Ueharasei Shoji, Matsuyama Branch | Tel : +81-89-941-6186, Fax : +81-89-946-3719 |
Nikkei RMX | Tel : +81-89-965-4074, Fax : +81-89-965-4071 |