Environmental Products and Actions
Find out more about our environment-friendly products, initiatives for local communities and international contributions.
Environmental Products
NAIDUST® (PTFE Treated Dusting-inhibiting Cement)
Environment-friendly technological cement, which effectively controls dust emission and scattering during construction without compromising the ease of application.
Difference in dust emission when using NAIDUST® and Ordinary Portland

Super Solid Ace (PTFE Treated Dusting-inhibiting Soil Cement)
Super Solid Ace is a high-tech soil cement containing a small amount of PTFE. It effectively reduces dust emissions during construction while still keeping the soil improving qualities of Solid Ace.
MBM (Meat and Bone Meal) incineration
We have been certified by the Ministry of the Environment to dispose of rotten meat and bone meal (MBM) by use of cement kilns, and began incineration in May 2002. Prior to this, we implemented incineration tests in Tagawa to determine its safety and effectiveness. Our incineration method is to bring MBM in hermetically bulk trucks from rendering plants, place it in exclusive tanks, compress it, and place it in the kiln burner. Workers never touch the MBM, and it is safely incinerated in a closed system, with no residue entering the outside environment. In addition, the MBM for incineration was tested in advance to ascertain whether or not prions were present, and only MBM declared safe was used. We are not using parts which have a high risk of BSE (e.g. brain, spinal chord, eyeball), and we never accept MBM contaminated by BSE or which may possibly have been contaminated. Our safety measures ensure that the general public feels that our method does not carry any potential health threat.
Caring for the environment and communities
Aso Cement aims to be a good neighbor by contributing to promoting a healthy environment for the local communities within which we operate. One example is our Tagawa plant’s clean street initiatives, where employees and sub-contractors clean up drink cans, cigarette and household waste that has been discarded on the public streets near Tagawa plant. In cooperation with Tagawa City Hall, Tagawa plant has been engaged in this street cleaning initiative biannually.

International contribution: Promoting energy-saving technology
Aso Cement is committed to contributing to reducing environmental impact through promoting environment technologies. Drawing on our solid knowledge and know-how on energy-saving and environment technologies, our Kanda Plant has been offering technical training programs for international trainees. This international program is regularly organized by Japan International Cooperation Agency, who provides support for human resource development and technical cooperation for developing countries. In 2009, we had 9 trainees from 7 different nations in Asia and Middle-East regions, and also 13 trainees form 5 different nations in 2010.